Being a volunteer at Saltwells is a very pleasant experience indeed!
A lovely group of nice like minded people meet at Saltwells Nature Reserve on the first Sunday of the month, at around 10am at the car park. We then go off and enjoy ourselves for the next few hours and carry out the task in hand.
As volunteers, we learn how to do the work correctly and safely, as well as the reason why we are doing it, importantly, learning about the benefits it will have to the reserve.
You are always made to feel welcome and are with great people during these sessions. You can ask any questions and will always learn about nature, and what a beautiful place the nature reserve is.
Finally not forgetting, I always take my refreshments kit so that we can have a tea break at around 11:30am, where we can relax and chat to fellow volunteers, enjoy a brew, and usually a cake or two!
