2020 has been a strange year, but also one for celebrations at Saltwells.
In October, as well as achieving the Green Flag Award, Saltwells was elevated to National Nature Reserve status by Natural England, joining over 200 other sites in England with this status and making Dudley the first English borough with two National Nature Reserves. Saltwells was awarded the status as one of the most notable geological locations in the British Isles, showing two distinctly different periods of earth history, when very different conditions were present. The first and oldest rocks at Saltwells are of the Silurian period and contain evidence of the change from ancient seabed to dry land. The second series of layers show how this land was covered by huge swampy forests with trees growing up to 45m in height that created the coal seams of the Carboniferous age. The award was marked by an online celebration due to current restrictions, with the sharing of several videos celebrating the site. Follow the links below to watch some of these videos-
Of course, 2020 also sees the development of the new Warden’s Base at Saltwells.
Watch this space…