The Wardens’ and Education Centre has arrived and is almost completed!
It been a long wait since the old wardens’ base was demolished, due to arson, ten years ago. This much loved “wooden hut” in the heart of the ancient woodland was a real hub. So many people young and old have such fond memories and tales to tell about it and the activities that went on.
For many years, many in the local community have tirelessly championed for a building to replace it, keeping the dream alive- Tracy Poolton, for example, raised the issue with Cllrs and senior Council managers at every Community Forum meeting without fail. The wardens put in a planning application a few years ago which was approved, but the funds could not be secured. However, two years ago, the Save our Saltwells protest helped to promote the need for a replacement base, alongside their other aims of preventing the construction of housing within the wood and ensuring the land of the former Saltwells House is legally made a part of the nature reserve. So with huge support from 10,000 members of the public and Councillors the money for a replacement facility was found, just in time before the planning application expired.
Bernhards Sports Surfaces won the tender to design and build the Centre and construction of the building itself, by Cleveland Sitesafe, commenced in May- 200 miles away in Middlesbrough. Bernhards arrived on site in June to get the groundworks and foundations in place. During this time a series of wildlife ponds were also dug, and the construction of an environmental education garden and plant nursery to raise trees and wildflowers for the nature reserve began.
The COVID emergency has been a real concern for so many reasons and this project has not escaped it. However, both Bernhards and Cleveland have both worked tirelessly to make sure the deadline was not affected. The crane was booked for 24th November and all fingers crossed for low winds to lift it from the car park and over the telephone cable onto the concrete pad. The weather was indeed fine here in Dudley. Unfortunately a storm hit as the building was being transported in sections along the motorway. The high side winds tore out some of the internal plaster work and other fittings. Therefore Cleveland have been working hard to get the internal fitout completed.
This last minute unforeseen event has knocked the timetable back a few weeks, but the base should be fully completed in late Jan 2021. Soon the internal fit out will be finished and the fencing will be going in, and then work can get under way with the landscaping works.
There have been some understandable concerns before it arrived about the building being metal. This was obviously not the first choice, however since the wooden one was set on fire and a brick building could not be afforded, this construction was our only solution. The specification is really robust and they have a great track record across the country in similar settings. Indeed, there have already been some comments from regulars who say it is really unobtrusive and “that it looks like it’s always been there”. So the wardens are taking that as a seal of approval.
Inside the building the classroom, office, toilets and kitchen will all be insulated, plaster boarded and painted making them fit for school visits. The Friends of Saltwells secured funding from the Council’s Community Forum to supply the tables, chairs and other items for the classroom to get the base to a flying start, once the restrictions allow them in.
It is hoped that the Centre will once again become a real hub for the community. Unfortunately, because the wardens are running about here and there across the nature reserve doing tasks, there is no capacity to have it open as a visitors’ centre. So, it will not be a coffee shop, open for people to pop in or to use the toilets. However, work is under way to make sure that it is well used by schools, colleges and other community groups for many, many years to come.
The ultimate proof of its success will be when people young and old retell their fond memories and tales of the activities that have taken place at Saltwells over the years. The wardens and the Friends of Saltwells Nature Reserve are looking forward to hearing every single one of them!
